在        狱         咏          蝉
zài       yù        yǒng      chán
In      prison    sing      cicada
In Prison I Hear The Cicada Singing

骆         宾         

luò       bīn       wáng
Luo Bin Wang

西   陆    蝉      声      唱,

xī       lù       chán     shēng    chàng,     
West land   cicada    sound     sing,
From the west land the song of the cicada;

南      冠     客    思     侵.
nán       guān      kè        sī        qīn.

south      hat     visitor  think   invade.
I think southern people invade.

那     堪      玄     鬓      影
nǎ        kān       xuán      bìn       yǐng

how   endure   black    temple  image
How can I endure the cicada's black-temple image

来      对     白     头      影.
lái         duì        bái       tóu       yǐng?

come opposite white    head     image?
coming next to my head of white hair?

露     重     飞     难      进,
lù        zhòng     fēi       nán        jìn,

Heavy dew         to fly  difficult to advance;
Heavy dew makes advancing in flight difficult;

风      多      响     易     沉.
fēng      duō       xiǎng     yì        chén.
Wind    much    sound     easy   submerge.
The wind easily submerges sounds.

无     人     信     高     洁,
wú        rén       xìn       gāo       jié,
No        person trust     high      clean.
No one trusts in integrity.

谁     为      表    予     心.
shéi      wèi       biǎo      yú        xīn.
Who    to          show     my      heart?
Who is there to tell of my feelings?
—Translated by Louis Martin