登            幽            州            台            歌
dēng       yōu         zhōu          tái            gē
ascend      Youzhou           platform     song
Ascending Youzhou platform

陈     子     昂
chén  zǐ     áng
Chen Ziang

前      不      见      古      人,
qián       bù         jiàn         gǔ        rén,
before   not        see      ancient   people,
Before me I don't see the ancient people,

后     不     见     来     者.
hòu       bù       jiàn       lái        zhě.
behind  not      see   to come    one.
behind me I don't see the ones to come.

念     天    地    之    悠    悠,
niàn     tiān      dì       zhī     yōu      yōu,
study heaven earth    it          infinite,
Thinking of the vastness of heaven and earth,

独     怆     然     而     涕     下.
dú     chuàng    rán        ér          tì           xià.
alone   sad        so        and      tears        fall.
alone I am so sad I shed tears.
—Translated by Louis Martin